Scope of Work

The Advanced and Indirect Mitigation (AIM) Platform is a cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to unlock new climate finance for the hardest-to-abate sectors by addressing shared barriers to value chain mitigation and supporting collective mitigation action.

AIM Platform Scope of Work

Develop the AIM Standard and Guidance:

AIM seeks to ensure that high quality value chain decarbonization interventions, regardless of sector, have clear guidance to enable transparent and credible accounting, reporting, and claiming of resulting emissions benefits. AIM’s Standard and Guidance is being developed by the AIM Governing Committee in collaboration with the GHG Protocol, Science Based Targets Initiative and over a dozen sector-specific strategic partner organizations. It will be grounded in sound accounting and reporting principles, a focus on practical implementation ability, and a theory of transition aligned with the Paris Agreement. 

Facilitate Action Opportunities:

AIM will support the scaling of existing sector-specific decarbonization initiatives such as SABA and ZEMBA and, where there is a need, launch new, sector-specific decarbonization initiatives and demonstration projects in hard-to-abate sectors. These initiatives and projects will test the AIM Standard and Guidance, aggregate demand for new decarbonization technologies in hard-to-abate sectors, and identify lessons learned to enable the further scaling of such efforts. 

Identify and Support the Design and Development of Digital Infrastructure:

AIM will identify registry needs and support the design and development of digital registry systems necessary to prevent the double counting and claiming of resulting emissions benefits, building on existing registries wherever practical. 

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