AIM Platform Standard and Guidance Deliverables Package

Companies face significant barriers to investing in their value chain and claiming the resulting mitigation. The lack of tools and clarity for how to claim interventions threatens companies’ ability to meet their Scope 3 climate targets. Companies need mechanisms and guidance to drive investment in decarbonization across their value chains. The deliverables detailed below will provide a 4-step suite of tools to guide companies through their value chain interventions:

1 - What Principles must the AIM Standard and Guidance outcomes uphold?

AIM is developing guiding principles which will serve as our north star throughout the standard and guidance development process, to ensure the mitigation outcomes that result from value chain interventions reflect our core ambitions.

2 - How do you know the intervention is sufficiently associated with your GHG inventory/value chain to count to your climate target?

AIM is developing:

- Guidance for how companies can determine if an intervention is associated with its value chain

- A verification checklist for companies to use confirm if an intervention is associated with its value chain, including

  • A module for how companies can identify the commodities represented in their value chain

3 - What criteria must scalable systems as well as one-off projects meet in order to prove sustainability and emissions benefit?

Using an existing sustainability system/program design to facilitate scaled action?

AIM is developing:

- Evaluation criteria

- Evaluation Frameworks, and

- Evaluation Processes

for programs or initiatives that govern interventions
(e.g. SABA, ZEMBA, Value Change Initiative)

Using one-off project based methods?

AIM is developing:

- Guidance, and

- Verification checklists

for project-based interventions, drawing on ISO 1464-2 and/or the GHG Protocol for Project Accounting 

4 - How do you properly report the outcomes of value chain interventions?

AIM is developing:

- Recommendations on how and where to report results of value chain interventions, including how companies can determine if an intervention is associated with its value chain, including:

  • A module on avoiding erroneous double counting (i.e. Scope 1 emitters selling Scope 3 attributes), and

  • A verification checklist

Interested in getting involved in our mission to accelerate value chain mitigation?