Our Governance

A cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder initiative

Good Governance is a key pillar of the AIM Platform

The AIM Platform addresses shared barriers to value chain mitigation, supports collective action, and seeks to ignite sectoral transitions by bringing together civil society and the private sector. As such, the AIM Platform sees good governance as a critical imperative to its current and future success as a leading standards and guidance provider for organizations seeking to act on their Scope 3 Inventories.

Governance photo

AIM Platform Governance Structure

The AIM Platform is organized as follows, with additional ad-hoc or standing bodies added as needed to progress the work:

The AIM Platform Values Transparency in its
Standard-Setting Process

All governance documents can be found in our Governance Document Repository along with all meeting materials. Please visit our Governing Committee Members and Secretariat pages for a list of current participants.

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