As Seen in Trellis: Unlocking the Scope 3 Accounting Puzzle

corporate governance documents

In an article published February 6, 2025, in Trellis, reporter Jim Giles covered the work of the AIM Platform and the launch of the AIM Association Test pilot program.

An initiative to unleash “vast new climate finance” has entered its pilot phase, the organizers announced this week. The Advanced and Indirect Mitigation (AIM) Platform, which counts Amazon, Dow and others as pilot testers, is creating guidelines companies can use to claim Scope 3 reductions when they help suppliers and customers cut emissions. 

From “Unlocking the Scope 3 accounting puzzle” – Jim Giles for Trellis

The article quotes Owen Hewlett, chief technical officer at Gold Standard and part of the AIM Platform Secretariat, Vanessa Miler-Fels, vice president for climate and environment at Schneider Electric, one of the companies participating in the AIM Association Test pilot program, and Holly Lahd, standards director for Center for Green Market Activation, also part of the AIM Platform Secretariat.

For the full article, visit the Trellis website:

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