
The draft AIM Platform Association Test is an elaboration of Criterion 1

On May 22nd, 2024, the AIM Platform released the draft AIM Platform Criteria for stakeholder input, with feedback collected through June 28th, 2024. During this period, the AIM Platform received valuable feedback from 31 entities, including 12 non-profits and 19 corporations across a wide range of sectors.

The feedback has been thoroughly reviewed by the AIM Platform’s Governing Committee, which has used it to guide revisions to the AIM Platform Criteria. A key outcome from this feedback was the development of the AIM Platform Association test, an elaboration of Criterion 1, which is now open for further stakeholder comment. Input on Criteria 2-11 will be incorporated into the forthcoming Accounting and Reporting Standard and Guidance.

AIM Platform Criteria – Draft for Stakeholder Comment May 2024

The first draft of the AIM Platform Criteria was released on May 22, 2024, for stakeholder input. These criteria have been written with a focus on guiding organizations that seek to address emissions in their value chain through “value chain interventions”. They focus on clarifying the AIM Platform perspective on what needs to be in place to determine that an intervention can be considered as sufficiently associated with an organization’s value chain as well as what other conditions must be present to ensure sound GHG accounting, environmental integrity, and appropriate claiming of impacts towards a climate target.

Included in the draft, the AIM Platform Governing Committee has listed particular questions on which it seeks input, in order to inform its further deliberation and eventual adoption of the Criteria.

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